Spring Break 2012

Anya and I area headed northbound on the 504 train to Portland, how cool is technology now days that you can post to your blog while sitting in the comfort of rail travel....?

Anyway, we are headed to disneyland for spring break so this will be the last post for awhile.

 So here is the trivia challenge for all my blog followers while I am away.

The picture above has Narcissus hispanicus ssp. bujei and Fritillaria nigra blooming in an outdoor bed.
The trivia question is, can these two species occur in the wild together.
I can't seem to find much on the Narcissus subspecies, so maybe you will have better luck than I did researching it. Anyway, the person who puts the most evidence to prove or disprove whether these two species occur in the wild together gets two bulb credits.

Bulb credits can be redemeed for bulbs when the catalog comes out in the fall!

Put your answers/evidence in the comment box on this post. Winner will be determined when I get back from Spring Break.

Now off to southern California for a bit, then driving up the coast for an appointment in Half Moon Bay, after that its' easter with the family at Clear Lake California.


"Obscurity and a competence. That is the life that is best worth living" Mark Twain


Where the wild things are