Yawn, Stretch, Scratch, Yawn

I am slowly awakening from my long winter slumber, and while it may be a balmy 42 degrees in the greenhouse, the dreary, fog engulfed weather of these past weeks certainly beckon toward more hibernation. However, since things were drying out a bit too much and the hose finally thawed out enough to pass water, I was in the greenhouse today and noticed a few things were starting to come on.
Narcissu romuiexii 'Julia Jane'

All apologies about these photographs, I must have been shaking form the cold. Anyway, you get the idea, there is a splash or two of color.


Narcissus cantabricus ssp. foliosus

Again, not the best pictures, but then again it's Feb. the light is still fleeting when I get home from work. But the harbingers of spring have begun. there are actually quite a bit of bulbs emerging, even some of the early frits are showing above ground. It won't be long now and I will be snapping photo's like mad and clacking away on the keys to show you all the glory that is Illahe Rare Bulbs.

It's 42 now in the greenhouse, there is a light drizzle coming down but at least the thick freezing fog has lifted.



Bloggeroid test


Fall marches on