
The late bloomers are all about in shades of pink, lavender, purple and white. I'm going woth what I read on the PBS site for this family, although it sounds like they could debate it out to liliacea, alliaceae or hyacinthaceae.
Brodiaea californica and Triteleia laxa blooming side by side in the nursery
Brodiaea elegans growing at one of our local river parks, this site is under about 10' of water anytime the Willamette River gets above 16' on the Salem gauge so you know it doesn't mind saturated soils all winter.. 
Triteleia peduncularis 
This is one of my favorites for sure, makes quite a show when so much else is senescing down and the summer bulbs haven't kicked in yet.

I've been working on some irrigation stuff around the nursery this week and I have to get this goat pen down soon, but keep an eye out because I have the bulb catalog on the horizon.  I'll be collecting some seed again and offering that and I stumbled into a collection of interesting carnivorous plants that I may offer some propagules up as well.

Sunny, warm, temperatures in the 80's all week.


2016 Harvest is upon us.


Traveling a bit