In Like A Lion

Check out the greenhouse tonight.

Welcome to winter. If you've been following this blog, I've been waxing on about how the growing season wouldn't end and we had been frost free for so long. Well that's all done now. I was off in Mexico celebrating my 40th birthday, playing old man and the sea and it hit 26 degrees in the greenhouse. Followed shortly by a pretty decent snow storm, and if you are familiar with our "mild" Mediterranean climate here in the Willamette Valley, decent snow fall is pretty rare in these parts in December.

Me and my wahoo!

Catching the fastest fish in the ocean was a helluva a way to cap off my 40th year on this planet. I think of how much of I've learned and experienced in the first 40, if I can make it another 40 the fish and flowers that are gonna pass through these hands will be many fold.

The growing season has officially ended. 24 degrees with 8" of snow on the ground and I'll be heading out to knock it off the greenhouse soon.

Welcome to winter from a boat somewhere in the Sea of Cortez.


First Day of 2017


Happy Holidays!