The "Offseason"

Colchicum hungaricum "Valentine's Day"

There is a small window of time between sowing some of the seeds that appreciate a few weeks of winter chilling, and when spring prep really begins in earnest that I guess is my Offseason.

I guess this affords me some time to take a closer look around. I noticed this very healthy pot of Colchicum bivonae starts enjoying some mychorrizal symbiosis.

Baby cobras (Darlingtonia californica) will be going up on sale soon as the stolon cuttings have established nicely.

Well, enjoy the Offseason...A winter respite from the busy days that grow longer ahead.

50 degrees and soaking wet from a pineapple Express clipping hard from the South ..3" of rain the last 2 days and still relentless.


The February Card


They shall reap what they sow.