The Rock Garden

A seed grown Pulsatilla from the NARGS member seed distribution a few years ago, that seed catalog it really one of the best that comes out every year and I've said it here many times but I'll say it again, if you aren't a member of the North American Rock Garden Society, please sign up now. You won't be dissapointed in December, when the seed catalog comes out and  you get so many choices for so little money. It's worth growing so much of it to find the choice gems that show up, like this wonderful deep purple Pasque flower. 
Bergenia stracheyi
The Himalayan Pigsqueak doing it's thing to brighten this miserably wet and damp spring.

The rock garden really is starting to come along now, and it's fun to see it a year after it went in, I hope to expand it over time and make it bigger and better. 



Fritillaria orientalis-well, maybe?


Fritillaria pontica