Where the wild things are 2017

Lilium wigginsii??? Question marks because I'm not super up to speed on my western lilies of which there are many, this one seems to be the likely culprit growing on the margins of boggy Cobra Lily habitat among Pepperwoods and Madrone.

The Kiddo and I headed out for a summer 1000 mile road trip to eventually wind up at a family reunion in Lake County California. Along the way we decided to hit up some of the old Kalmiopsis/Siskiyou area I grew to love so much during my backpacking plant hunting days. 
Anya contemplates a stand of Del Norte Darlingtonia californica. The habitat is really so unique and the plant never ceases to amaze me every time I see it. I have been propagating this species for awhile now and it will be one that will be available in limited numbers in this years catalog. 
The sheltered anchorage at Trinidad is a unique place for sea farers
I think I have another close up of that Lily, which I think may be Lilium occidentale growing out of a patch of Cobra Lilies deep in the Coastal fog belt of California's Redwood habitat.

Catalog update! I'm starting harvest in the next with all luck, Please be advised I'll be offering a smaller list this year due to some pressing summer activities, I have to harvest, catalog and ship in shorter timer period this year as well, so look for the catalog and be prepared to order quickly or miss out until next year.

Sunny Summer days and temps in the high 80's to low 90's.


Where the wild things are part 2 2017


The summer bulbs