Colchicum variegatum

Colchicum variegatum

Most of the information you can glean off the web lists this as a somewhat tender species, which I suppose then should come as no surprise it doesn't increase very well for me. But it's hard to pass it up with such sublime tesselations it certainly is a standout. My form has somewhat more linear tepals then most of the pictures I've seen on the web. Maybe I'll coddle this one a bit more to see if I can get it to clump up for me. It truly is one of the more spectacular species. Hailing from Southern Greece and Turkey might explain the somewhat tender nature.

You can feel fall start to creep in finally, the temperatures have moderated in the valley and we even had a sprinkle last weekend although it was dry by the next morning.



Colchicum 'Glory of Heemstede'


Colchicum laetum