The last shall be first

The last flower and post of 2017

"Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors and let every new year find you a better man" Benjamin Franklin 

Its a hoop petticoat Narcissus and it needs an ID!!

This one came to me unlabeled needing an ID. So it's blooming right now, on the last day of the year, making it in my opinion strongly winter blooming. It's crazy super fragrant, like greenhouse filing with it's fragrance. I tried to do a little flower dissection, and I came up with what looks like 3 stamens elongated past the throat of the corolla, and three set down in the throat, pardon my poor botanical nomenclature. I have a book on the subject somewhere but it's buried in a library that needs thinning badly. 

 You can see the 3 exerted stamens here and there are three down in the throat, not sure if this is a flower maturity thing or not if the other three will continue to elongate.

Not the best  shot, but maybe you can make out the three stamens that are down in the throat of the corolla. 

So to recap, super fragrant, winter blooming hoop petticoat type, with sort of a light custard yellow color to it. If you have any idea what it is please post it up in the comments. 

So here we are at the end of another year, the hoop petticoat will be the last flower of 2017 and the first of 2018.

Frosty morning, 38 degrees outside at 10:00 am on New Years Eve.

Hope everyone has a fantastic and safe New Years if you are celebrating. Here is to a better one than the last.

Cheers, Mark


The First shall be Last


Happy Holidays