Hard Frost

This is only worth writing about because it's mid February and this is the first one this year. 25 outside this morning. I put blankets on the bulbs in the greenhouse, the plunge frames I didn't, I guess we will see the impact.

Iris aucheri 'Indigo'
F 2.8/ISO 80/ with the Canon Powershot

Iris aucheri 'Indigo'
This picture is taken with the phone camera

So we have been taking this brown bag seminar photo class at work and it got me thinking about the value a digital SLR would add to my photo taking. I have always been pretty happy with my little Canon powershot and never delved much beyond adjusting the depth of field a bit playing with the f-stops. But thinking that maybe in my future is a camera upgrade at some point to help develop the skills a bit more. 

Anyway, 25 degrees out as I left for work this morning, but a sunny day ahead which means warmth so let the freeze thaw begin!



Fritillaria crassifolia ssp. kurdica


Integrated Pest Management