Frosty mornings and sunny afternoons.

The chief obstacle to the progress of the human race is the human race.
 Don Marquis

Narcissus hispanicus ssp. bujei
Chilly start to the days this week, with frosty temps down into the 20's. The Narcissus sure don't seem to mind, Even this rare subspecies of the Spanish daffodil,  but a few of the medditerranean arums are doing the flag drop. 

I'm wondering if anyone read the Butterfly Revolution as a kid, curious how so many can be influenced by a strong, charismatic leader, to behave so badly. I don't remember how I found that book as a 13 year old, but it certainly stuck with me through all these years. I see parallels in our present day. 

"You're late said spring to winter,  "I arrived precisely when I meant to, and besides, your invitation seemed flexible as to when the party was to start" Winter replied,"....Mark Akimoff


Stink Bells and Other things


Sun, showers and Bee Flights