Tulipa ostrowskiana

“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”  Mark Twain

Tulipa ostrowskiana

From the mountains of Kazakhstan comes this flamboyant beauty, If I had to describe it in other terms I would probably say it's like a flamenco dancer doing a backflip and caught right upside down. It's really quite the show stopper in the greenhouse right now because of the predominant yellow's of the Narcissus and the browns and greens of the many Frittilaria in bloom now. Oh to have been a bulb purveyor back in the tulipmania days in Holland right? Maybe I could have paid the mortgage off on the property with a single bulb.

It was frosty this morning as I left in the dark, although it wasn't a half bad weekend, temps got up into the high 50's. The mizuna mustard greens are flowering in the vegetable garden now and the bees were busy collecting pollen. I sowed some early vegetable pots in the greenhouse, but I'm late on some of the bedding flowers. Hoping to correct that with some sundowner work this week.



Fritillaria ionica


The Requiem of the First Affinis