All the Trilliums

Trillium albidum

I'm feeling very fortunate this week, I said in an earlier post that I inteded to get back to the roots a bit and get out and see more of the wild things. Well this week was pretty special, finding Trillium kurabayashii well outside of it's known range, then seeing T. ovatum and now T. albidum it's felt a little like a fun little botanical easter egg hunt. Of course here in the valley there is nothing rare or unusual about T. albidum or T. ovatum. but's been a nice little refreshing taste of the good ole' botanical exploration days I got a bit busy for the last oh.....say ten years or so.

Not too bad of a day weather wise, it called for rain but it didn't. It said it was 44 but it felt like 55 to me. 


Changing of the guard.


Where the Wild Things are 2018 edition