It is Finished

The shipping season has ended!

Thank you so much to the loyal customers who put in orders this year and welcome to the new folks that are enriching the garden. I for one am looking foward to the fall, harvesting the produce from the vegetable garden, some salmon fishing  to stock the freezer for the long winter I have a feeling is coming. The kiddo is back to school soon and the heat wave has broken, its starting to legitimately feel like fall is here. Every few days a different Autumn Crocus is coming on now. The Naked ladies are up. I'll be back to blogging about them after some salmon fishing trips, but here are a few for you to enjoy now and look forward to purchasing on next years list.

Colchicum lateum

Colchicum davisii
Temps in the low 80's and nice cool evenings, the yellow jackets are about the most annoying thing about this season as they seem to be think as thieves right now.



Summers End


"We’ll read in the autumn evenings; we’ll read many books, and a beautiful new world will open up before us.... "