Whats blooming in the Middle of February?
"We are all born ignorant but you must work hard to remain stupid"
Ben Franklin
This edition of a walk around the garden is dedicated to those who work hard to remain stupid, like so many folks I know in local government and unfortunately now days that plethora of stupidity seems to go all the way to the top. Really, a state of emergency? To build a giant wall? That may be the most ignorant thing I've heard in my life and apparently the leadership of this nation is working over time to remain stupid.
Colchicum hungaricum 'Valentines' It's been cold and rainy with most of the early species in the garden staying somewhat closed up. |
Fritillaria obliqua The stuff in the greenhouse is a fairing a little bit better with the weather, mostly on account of the drier but cool conditions these early bloomers seem to love. |
Crocus x leonidii 'Early Gold' The potted specimens in the greenhouse are about a week ahead of the material in the rock garden. |
Fritillaria crassifolia These are my mixed pots of the JJA collections from Iran |
Just some roguish hellebore seedlings foiling the rock garden. |