Return of the Sun

"Let the sunshine in and chase away your blues, cause smilers never lose and frowners never win"
                                                                                               Screeching Weasel

Well finally the sun has returned, there are still a few patches of snow hanging around in the deep shadows but for the most part the thaw is complete. The sun feels extra good after a few weeks of cold. It's the old adage, you don't really know what you have till it's gone right? You only miss the sun when it starts to rain...........I could quote song lyrics all day here but I started this post with the seminal punk band talking about sunshine because I was thinking today about how I started this guitar project so long ago and the intent was to build a guitar that would blaze on stage as I took to the road a touring punk rock guitar player, couch surfing my way across the U.S. playing smokey bar rooms and basements filled with sweaty punks, the smell of beer thick in the air. And now as I am about to complete it, I'm thinking that life seemed to have passed me by and maybe I should outfit the guitar more for a reality of playing along to the jeopardy theme song on the couch every night. I guess I could always finish this guitar as it was intended to be and build another one that more mimics the middle age person I've become. Regardless, the sun is out and here is what happened when I walked around the garden:
Crocus X leonidii 'Early Gold' pushing through the snow.

Crocus X leonidii 'Early Gold' A day later with the sun out. 
The guitar is really coming along well, I got the Old growth myrtle wood top laminated on and most of the inlay work done. 

Check out the display of early crocus opening wide to catch some rays.

Colchicum hungaricum 'Valentines day' always looks good in the snow, and the color seems to wash out a bit on bright sunny days but the bloom period is impressive when you think about how these have been going since a week before valentines.

So it goes, spring feels like it wants to break in any day, although today a north wind blew pretty good in the afternoon. If you could get out of it though the warmth was palpable. Longer days are here. 

50 degrees and sunny today although it felt like 68 after the last week of on and off snow showers. 



P.S. Happy Birthday J!

Spoken much too soon.


Cabin Fever?