Fawn Lilies in Season

"I think there is a difference between the American Dream and the American Day Dream, in one you work hard to pull yourself, up by the bootstraps, and never give up the pursuit of it, in the other you chase the dreams of others, the movie stars, the influencers, the corporate wealth horders and the lot, by mass consuming what they are selling, but then the buzz of the time clock, reminds you that break time is over and its time to get back to work "
Mark Akimoff

Erythronium "Jeanine"
The Hoog introduction, by they breeding work of  Mr. Eaden of two California natives produced such a deep sulphur yellow color. It is pretty dramatic offset by The Scorpiris beauty Iris X 'Marjeh'.

Erythronium 'Pacific Sunset Strain'
This is the pink of Diana Reeck's introduction via Walter Blohm's breeding work. The Erythroniums hybridize well, as it seems to be one of those spring ephemerals for which much breeding and selection has occurred. I'm probably not going to have time to make any crosses this year, but my passion for breeding lies with the Fritillaria as it seems so much less has been done with that group of plants. 

It's been raining cats and dogs, I think we are up to a 1.5" this weekend alone, soggy lawns and now the white fleshed nectarine is starting to bloom and it doesn't look like much will be flying for pollinators this week. 

56 and pouring rain today, the ditch is full and flowing hard. 




Bought the Bullet


Damn I missed April Fools