The Rock Garden at Illahe

 Just back from a super fun trip to see some great friends married right on the shores of Lake Tahoe, it was sunny, the snow capped mountains rimming the lake with it's turquoise glow. It was hard to leave.

The Penstemon collection is going off and P. barrettiae is the king among them. 
The rock garden is coming into its own, and I'm still learning photography so somehow I ended up with an unintended vignette.

So just a few shots for the posterity sake of it, mostly I wanted to make a comment on the weather, it hasn't rained in 3 weeks, and look how fine the rock garden is doing, It's all about plant selection when you factor in climate change and an increasing concern about drought and water usage. 

The Calochortus are just starting to bloom so let the fun picture taking begin!




Calochortus invenustus


Airports and blog entrys