Fritillaria sewerzowii

From Charles Hervey Grey's Three Volume 'Hardy Bulbs'

-Of wide distribution in Central Asia, attaining an elevation of  six thousand feet in Turkestan. The bulb is globose, stoloniferous, over an inche in diameter, with a few membranous scales above; the leaves cauline, opposite, sessile, boradly oblong, obtuse, pale-green...........It flowers in March-April, and at its best is quite an attractive species. It should be grown in very well-drained, light soil.

Fritillaria sewerzowii
This is truly one of my favorite of all the Fritillaria, I would love to see this one in habitat sometime. Seems like it might be the adventure of a lifetime to track this one down on the high alpine  slopes of the Central Asian mountains.



What's blooming on the last day of February?


The Late February Spring fever