What's blooming in February

 “When God was making the months I think February was a mistake, like a burp. There it was, small, dark, and prickly. It had absolutely no redeeming qualities.”
― Shannon Wiersbitzky, What Flowers Remember

I found it kind of funny in search for quirky or intellectual quotes on the month of February most everything turns up  love drenched valentines day sappiness or really dark and mournful, like February is just the worst month of them all.  Honestly I rather like this month, my greenhouse is starting to fill with flowers, the mountains usually have the most snowpack so backcountry skiing is on the menu most any weekend, occasionally the ocean flattens out enough to allow for an offshore trip. The weather usually turns up a nice day or two to allow you to get caught up on all that garden work that was put off through the holiday season.  As a professional gardener, February is the the last calm month before the storm of spring and the busy days ahead. 

This February on a random Tuesday the snow no one forecasted started falling and it kept up all day. By the end of it about 5" had blanketed the nursery. Fortunately not enough to worry about collapsing the greenhouse, as I always get concerned when those fat, heavy,  moisture laden flakes start piling up in the valley.  Other than that it's been a pretty mild month weatherwise, this past week was actually dry for a few days and I got the floribundas and hybrid teas pruned at work. 

 The little farmhouse at illahe dusted with snow in Early Febuary

What's blooming right now:

Narcissus hispanicus ssp. bujei

Colchicum minutum  in bud

Crocus angustifolius 'Cloth of Gold' in bud

Fritillaria raddeana

Narcissus cantabricus

Narcissus wilkomii

Freesia blooming in the house

Corydalis schanginii ssp. ainae

Corydalis henrikii

Happy to be back to the flowers! 




Ice, Ice Baby


A New Hope