Colchicum davisii

"The higher animals have no religion. And we are told that they are going to be left out in the Hereafter." Mark Twain.

But what if a great ape that learned sign language signed it believed in Jesus? And if it committed no crime and no sin, could there be a heaven for those creatures we deem less than us, or what if the apes have their own Jesus and their own religion, would they go to the same heaven or is it a different one......just food for thought, I'm not here to break the great chain of human suffering that is religion. Only questioning my own long held belief system in light of the last four years of true human suffering that we had to endure in he can not let that go you are saying to yourself. Well, it's true. I'll never forgive the other side for what they did and mostly because it caused me to lose the last stitch of humanity and otherwise. Sold out is an understatement that evangelical christianity will never live down. Man, will this guy ever shut up and talk about plants......doesn't he know that politics and business don't mix, especially if you involve religion. Oh but I digress, it seems you can base entire movements, political and religious on the marriage of business, politics and faith. Just look at Texas, it's the American taliban in power down there, telling women what they can't do with their own bodies like it's 100 years ago or more. 

Damn, he is pulling all the punches you say, and you only stopped by here to read about some flower growing in his garden. ok here you go:

Colchicum davisii

I have written about this one before, not long after I got it in a shipment from Antoine Hoog. At the time I marvelled at it's light pink, tessalated, mid September blossoms. Now some years later I can say more. It's a champion in the open garden here, quickly making a statement forming clump from a few corms planted out. I placed it on the edge of a dry creek bed, between Hebe 'sutherlandii' and the edge of a summer xeric border. It looks specatacular offsetting the grey green leaves, both in bloom and with it's broad green spring leaves. 

It's a modern introduction as I've written about before, discovered in the late 1980's in Turkey's Amanus Mountains. If you fancy Colchicums you should have this in your garden. 

It rained an inch and a half this weekend, and it was oh so welcome! It's warmer and drier now. 





Fall in the illahe


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