Colchicum baytopiorum

 "It was wonderful to find America, but it would have been more wonderful to miss it"

                                                                                        Mark Twain

From the stony meadows and woodlands of SW turkey, this species occupies the Maquis vegetation ecotype. The maquis is a fire adapted, medditeranean  vegetation that is often dominated by evergreens such as Allepo  pine, Arbutus, Myrtle, Lavender and Rosemary. Named for the Turkish power couple of botany and pharmocology, Dr. Asuman Baytop and Turhan Baytop. It's a fine specimen for the autumn collection. 

Colchicum baytopiorum
A solid stout bloomer that stands up well to the weather. 

Colchicum baytopiorum

Probably one of the finest of the autumn flowering Colchicums for it's flowers ability to stand up to the often inclement weather we get here in the Northwest in October. Lot's of the larger flowered species and selections tend to melt in the cold wet, autumn weather. This one stands strongly and blooms through whatever mother nature throws at it. 

The lady and I got the greenhouse all cleaned up and most of the potted bulb specimens tucked away for the winter. It looks like just in time as the forecast is calling for the first frost in the outlying areas coming midweek. Stay tuned to see if it comes true. 

A beautiful crisp, bluebird Fall Saturday gave way to a chilly and wet Sunday. 




Crocus of Mid-Autumn


Crocus karduchorum