A New Year

 "There must be some kind of way out of here, Said the Joker to the Thief.........No reason to get excited, the Thief he kindly spoke, there are many here among us, who feel that life is but a joke"

                                                                         " All along the watchtower"

                                                                                                         Bob Dylan

Winter came quickly to the illahe after the Solstice said it was time.

Cheers to a New year, the holidays were wonderful, got to spend some quality time with my vaccinated and boosted family and friends. Took a bit of time off the day job to go ski around Crater Lake and Klamath falls but mother nature decided she had other plans, as it snowed 4 feet the day before we were to go. Drove up to the park and waded through some deep powder regardless. Those that know me and follow this haphazard journal I call a blog, know that this is the time of year I tend to check out from plant related things and venture into the back country to find peace and solace. The winter woods are often one of the areas most devoid of humanity, and that is a place I like to be whenever I can. 

Anya is home for winter break that got extended due to the ongoing Covid Pandemic

So much snow in a short period.

Had a lot of fun playing one of Santa's elves in the woodshop this winter break
In a different life I probably would have been a luthier, as working wood, and abalone shell 
have always made the hours melt away seemingly unnoticed. 

I had been making big plans for this year, nursery expansions, renovation projects, new website, big life and business changes,  this was going to be the year I went big. But after reading some forecasts on the state of the supply chain and the current backlog in the nursery industry of everything from resins to computer chips, maybe this is another year I'll while away at my humble little nursery for a bit more. Sowing seeds and sticking cuttings and making plans for next year. Covid burnout is real, the disjunct and janky political climate that still exists as a hangover from the last administration is real, the impending doom of climate change is real, January 6th was real, the dischord in society is real, the inequalities are real. Watch "don't look up" on netflix when you get a chance for a really well done indictment on where we have gotten to in society. Yes there will be flowers to show here during sun bathed, spring days that are really only a few short months away. But in the mean time. 

There must be some kind of way out of here. 


2 Years in a lifetime


Scenes from the Solstice