Spring Break

 “All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal.”

                                                                                        John Steinbeck

Somehow I've managed to take a spring break pretty much since I was in short pants. If you've met me you know I'm still in short pants, and that can certainly be translated as young at heart or just short statured. I'm off on a California adventure this spring break, going to try to see some wildflowers and some gardens of the North Coast ranges. I took a little walk around the garden and greenhouse before leaving and thought I would share some photo's of the flowers in bloom around the place as we see winter fading into the half light now.  This is a bit of a photo dump as I'm tired of writing about the war and it seems kinda silly to just talk about flowers when the nazi's are on the march again. 

Anemone in the rock garden

Fritillaria carica

Fritillaria reuteri

Narcissus primegenius

Narcissus bulbocodium

Fritillaria acmopetala

Fritillaria hermonis ssp. amana

Lightly striped form of Fritillaria graeca

Albuca spriralis, one of the first of many Africans will be featuring in the next few months

Fritillaria elwesii

Chinodoxa forbesii

Pulsatilla's should be a standout in the rock garden in the next week.

Iris lazica putting on a show on the edge of the shady fern bank

I'll be back in a week, hopefully with some new plants to propagate and enrichen our gardens with. 

It's been in the high 50's and low 60's and it looks to touch 70 here next week. Lows have been in the high 30's but it's feeling a bit warmer all the time now and the grass has started to grow in earnest now. 




Where the wild things are part 6


Fritillaria davisii