Snow in April?

 "There is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing"

                                                            Alfred Wainright

It really doesn't feel like it could snow, with so many flowers in bloom. But the weatherman says chance of snow at the end of this weekend. If it happens it will set some new record. These days records are broken all the time it seems like as far as the weather goes. I'll believe it when I see it but I'm probably not going to be happy about it if it does. A bunch of African and South American things are blooming now and it really does need to be spring now. 

My Sprekelia is blooming at my desk as I write this and I felt it deserved a photo. 

Moraea sp?
This came as gigandra but it doesn't seem to fully match that description, if you recognize this 
little charmer, do let me know what you think it is?

Moraea aristata
Hopefully any forecast of snow is not accompanied by a blast of arctic air as it's really way to late in the season for that. Although plenty of times my average last frost has been around Tax day, so it's not unheard of but it definitely hasn't snowed past March 31st at my place. 

That's basically the weather report for now, with a few flowers to let you know where we stand. I'll update if the forecast comes true. 



Snow Falling on Cherry Blossoms


Where The Wild things Are Part 8-Fetid Adders Tongues