A Happy New Year

 “Happy New Year, let's hope it's a good one, without any fear.” John Lennon

I spent the waning hours of two thousand and twenty three sipping a kir royale and methodically spinning The Beatles albums from Rubber soul to Let it be, although I must admit I skipped Yellow Submarine. The vibe just didn’t seem quite right for that one. It was a great way to finish off the year, and a bit after midnight as “Get Back” faded out I crawled into bed with the booms of fireworks raging from the kids in the church parking lot next door.

Nothing revolutionary or “resolutionary” to write here, the years seem to accelerate from beginning to end every year I get older, so it seems like this last one just flew by in a flash. The mild winter has left no snow in the mountains to ski on and those that have followed the blog for a bit, know that trekking through the backcountry on skis around the Western Cascades is how I like to up the endorphins during the dark period between the Holiday season and the warming sun filled days of spring. It doesn’t look like that option is going to be available this year as a drive over the mountains showed bareground all the way to the summit I guess the flowers even got the message that winter wasn’t showing up this year. A New Years day walk around the bulb house and garden seemed to provide a glimpse of spring as if it’s a few short weeks away only. So many things in bloom, take a walk through the bulb house and garden via the gallery to see what was blooming on the first day of the year two thousand and twenty four.

I always have a handful of tried and true winter bloomers that add so much to the winter growing experience, but this year does seem exceptional in the amount blooms for the first day of the new year.

Well, I can say I hope it’s a good one and any year without any fear would be a win in my book, I hope I can write with such good cheer a year from now given what is coming up this year.

Cheers to a New Year, I hope peace finds its way back into this crazy world

it looks like Spring is going to be here before too long



Deep Freeze


A Christmas Wish