The Colchicums
“And the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep and autumn was awakened.”
Raquel Franco
Colchicum ‘Antares’ a stunning fall bloomer, it has almost a dayglow appearance as if lit from inside on a sunny fall day.
The fall season has arrived here with the wonderful cooler temperatures, and the nights getting a bit longer. You can find pumpkin spice everywhere and the zucchini in the vegetable garden that you couldn’t pawn off on neighbors are now a yard long. We are well into the autumn crocus season now with another selection or species starting in every day or so now.
There is so much diversity in the genus that it’s hard to cover even a smattering of them in a single blog post. About half the genus is spring blooming so that adds another dimension, but for my money having September and October filled with nonstop blooms makes the fall blooming species and selections especially appealing.
We are only barely midway into the fall blooming period so stay tuned for much more about these lovely autumn bloomers. The temperatures outside are almost perfect now for the new greenhouse construction project that we are breaking ground on. We will be sure to update you with all the fun that project promises to bring. In the meantime I hope the falls season finds you well and your garden grows well as we transition through the seasons. If you don’t yet subscribe to this blog, be sure to sign up below, it’s the best way to stay informed on upcoming garden events and most importantly when we will have a plant offering and sales events coming up.