The flower bulbs are coming!
“Every civilization carries the seeds of its own destruction, and the same cycle shows in them all. The Republic is born, flourishes, decays into plutocracy, and is captured by the shoemaker whom the mercenaries and millionaires make into a king. The people invent their oppressors, and the oppressors serve the function for which they are invented.” Mark Twain
Today we will look at some flowers, talk about the upcoming flower bulb catalog and of course we will take a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down as we discuss the decay of democracy.
Fritillaria ionica
The 2024 Flower Bulb catalog will be along shortly, as Andy and I have been getting things ready to start the bulb harvest. To get ready for the busy bulb shipping season, I took down the spring plant availability list and will only be shipping our rock garden, alpine and moon garden boxes until the fall season is here. Still lots of great plants available, but you have to let us pick the selections. If you do order a box, just drop a line telling us your garden interests, i.e. cushions, high alpines, succulents, crevice garden plants, meadow/rock garden etc. and we will do our best to customize a box for you. In the mean time here is a little sugar for you to build some anticipation for this years bulb list! Check out the gallery to see a few things that will be available when the 2024 summer catalog comes out:
Mark Twain saw it coming way back when. Scary times indeed these days of plutocrats making the final bid for power. It’s mind blowing to me that in this day and age it comes down to 2 choices that don’t represent me at all. I long for peace and for the betterment of my fellow man, a world where borders are merely suggestions and every human is free to make there place in it where ever they can best do so as a part of a community that helps and sustains each other. Where greed isn’t the sole driver of every decision and where maybe health and wellness of the people at the bottom is fostered by those at the top. Where bombs are filled with flower seeds and reforestation efforts and not fire and death. Where our greatest export is compassion and kindness to humanity and our greatest import is relief for the oppressed and disadvantaged. Where the lesser of two evils is not the only choice. I wonder sometimes what the future looks like when the dust from these chaotic past 8 years settles and I have to remind myself to live in the moment and take each day as a gift. The future will come and maybe what we see today will be the last of the good times so might as well live it up before the goose stepping parades fill the streets, the last of the social safety nets are pulled out from under us, the corporate warlords are unleashed from the last of regulations shackles and we are enshrined under an iron dome and surveilled from every ai bot in every electronic orifice that they choose to scan. So I leave you with some lyrics from a song that does seem to hit the nail on the head even though it was written some 20 years ago now. From the seminal Canadian punk band, Propagandhi
The State Lottery
Does it seem strange to you? The confetti. The balloons. The mile-wide grins and the victory dance to welcome in the heir to a state of (utter and complete) disrepair? Because it sure seems strange to me: they’re acting like they won the fucking lottery! I mean, shouldn’t they feel terror at the task that lies ahead: to feed and house the people that this system’s left for dead. And could I have hit the nail much harder on the head? It’s profits before lives. They are motivated by greed. First they taught us to depend on their nation-states to mend our tired minds, our broken bones, our bleeding limbs. But now they’ve sold off all the splints and contracted out the tourniquets and if we jump through hoops then we might just survive. Is this what we deserve? To scrub the palace floors? To fight amongst ourselves? As we scramble for the crumbs they spit out, frothing at the mouth about the scapegoats that they’ve chosen for us. With every racist pointed finger I can hear the goose-steps getting closer. They no longer represent us so is it not our obligation to confront this tyranny?