The Summer Catalog Update

Summer has been off to a great start, it’s actually feeling a bit like a normal summer as far as the weather goes. We even got a nice rain shower after the 4th of July holiday. Something the fire managers no doubt were very happy to see. Things are still lush and green here. Still waiting for the Calochortus to dieback to see what is harvestable.

cypella coelestris

Cypella coelestris adding its cool blue hues to the landscape

Eremerus ‘Cleopatra’ blooming on the edge of the rock garden. I have bee collecting as many of these as I can lately and I’m so impressed with the way they fill the landscape in the early summer.

The catalog will be out hopefully in the next couple of weeks. I’m putting in a shade structure to be able to beat the heat during harvest, it’s one of the maxims that I have found in the 15 or so years of doing this. The moment the bulb harvest begins is usually the biggest heat wave of summer.

So far it’s been relatively mild and I have been so grateful for that.

An occasional rain shower expected today with highs in the 70’s. It feels like good ole Oregon again.




The Mt. Jefferson Wilderness


Texas Heat