A craft nursery specializing in rare bulbs, alpine, rock garden and xeric plants for an evolving climate.

The Spring Alpine and Rock Garden Availability is out now, click shop to find plants


The Spring Alpine and Rock Garden Availability is out now, click shop to find plants 〰️

The Illahe Blog

Plant Sale and Open Gardens

Saturday May 18th, 10am-4pm Open Garden/Plant Sale and Scavenger Hunt.

Click here for more details: Illahe Adventure Scavenger Hunt

Follow us through the garden and check out our instagram feed:


Contact us.

Have a question about a plant or Illahe Rare Plants? Feel free to contact us below using the Contact button.

Interested in having Mark speak to your garden club or group? Use the Speaking Engagement button to contact Mark about his long list of colorful and entertaining lectures on the topics of rare and unusual geophytes and the evolutionary adaptations that make them unique to explorations of the Chilean Andes culture and flora, New Zealand mountains and gardens and the native wildflowers of the Western United States, as well as the propagation and cultivation of rare and unusual flower bulbs and alpines with an emphasis on how to grow the most difficult and challenging species.