Feburary 27th, 2012

Iris histrio var. aintabensis
Southern Turkey native, growing in pockets of limestone rocks-Phillips and Rix. I don't add any extra lime to my bulbs, but I do top dress some with crushed oyster shell. The whole limestone grower and adding additional limestone will be discussed further as soon as I have time. I do fertilize with a dilute liquid feed and this will be discussed later as well.
Crocus reticulatus
Not the best picture, but this is a species that occurs in the wild from Northern Italy through Hungary, the Ukraine and into Turkey. It can be foud from Sea Level up to 2100 meters. Ruksans book has some interesting statements about what Brian Mathew has said about this bulb. Mr. Mathew apparently recomeded it for pot culture with a dry summer rest. Ruksans says that the Turkish specimens need this treatment but that others do well in the open garden. I don't know for sure where Jane's form is from but this picture is from a raised bed that is uncovered. I don't currently have this in the greenhouse but I will try some in there next year and see if I notice a difference.

Muscari psuedomuscari
Can anyone of my 5 blog followers tell me about this one? It's not in any of my books and I am too lazy tonight to do a web search.

All for now, just to fill you in. There a lot's of bulbs coming on strong in the greenhouse and garden now. The temperature has been topping out in the 40's with lows forecasted tonight for 23 degrees. It snowed off and on this weekend. I decided to not cover the bulbs and I haven't even moved the kerosene heater in. I did water the bulbs early this morning. Remember a moist pot insulates better than a dry one. If this weather pattern holds, I will probably put frost blankets out, but generally I don't get too worried unless temperatures are going to go into the teens


Early March 2012


Late Feburary