Late Feburary

"He was a very inferior farmer when he first began, but a prolonged and unflinching assault upon his agricultural difficulties has had its effect at last and he is now fast rising from affluence to poverty."
-Mark Twain, A Curious Dream.
Crocus biflorus ssp. pulchricolor

So, the greenhouse is alive and many bulbs are starting into vigorous growth. The weather man says that we may have the coldest first week of March that we have ever had. The kerosene will be a burning!
Galanthus plicatus

Of course weather men can be wrong. I hope so, because Kerosene runs around $5-7 a gallon these days.
Crocus imperati
  From Mr. Ruksans, this species is distributed from Naples South to Calabria and on the Isle of Capri, growing from Sea level to 1350 meters in thin woodlands and grassy areas. Easy in the rock garden.
Iris 'Sheila Ann'
What a delight this hyrbid is, the pale blue flowers thrusting up through without leaves. Fairly short lived the blooms lasted about 5 days before they faded away.

Iris unguicularis
Why wouldn't you buy this? To have this much color so early in the year.

Well my friends, that is all for now. I have another 20 or so pictures that I need to post. Will do as soon as time allows. The first Fritillaria's are open and the rest of the lot seems to be coming on quickly.


Feburary 27th, 2012


Some early spring Narcissus