Fading Away
"Time Like a petal in the wind Flows softly by As old lives are taken New ones begin A continual chain Which lasts throughout eternity Every life but a minute in time But each of equal importance." Benjamin Franklin ![]() |
Fritillaria pudica You catch these just right in the fading light as the flowers are starting to turn and they take on this lovely setting sun gradient from the orange to the yellow. Boy were the petals in the wind this weekend, weather report said gusts to 50mph, but I'm pretty sure it felt like some 70 milers coming through. Definitely a blustery day of Winnie the Pooh proportions this past Saturday. The Bulbs are coming on like crazy now with 5 or 6 new ones opening every day. I've been thinking about taming down the vegetable garden this summer to leave some freedom for travel. Kind of a double edge sword if you are trying to live off the land as much as possible, cultivating it ties you to it, but also supports your health and vigor by making you work for it. the continual chain as it goes around and around.