The second affinis

"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."
C.S. Lewis

Fritillaria affinis
This one is from Mt. Hood, Jane used to live up on the flanks of Mt. Hood outside the town of Estacada, I'm guessing this was one of her seed collections from the area, But I need to double check that with her. While this form doesn't have that fantastic rippled edging that the Vancouver Island form does, this one is a steller selection none the less with it's square shouldered bells and it's deep pattern markings. I like to think of the affinis selecitons I grow kind of like a fine Cabernet, subtle differences make them all unique, but if a buzz is what you are after they will all work just fine! When the other few forms I have open I'll put them all together so you get a better idea of the side by side comparison, I just stumbled up on a macro lens I forgot I had so I thought I would throw this up as a test.

Wind storm rocking the valley right now, and the doors just blew off the greenhouse, gotta run



Fading Away


"Fawn Lilies Sir from over the bridge "