Fritillaria persica

"Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future,too." Marcus Aurelius

Fritillaria persica

The persian empire was by all accounts a magnificent testament to conquest, technology of the day and strong willed leadership. Cyrus the great kicked it off around 550 B.C. when he combined the Median, Lydian and Babylonian empires. There seems to be some lacking of historical factual data about how he did it, for example some of the records indicate that he took Babylon without a fight. I imagine with war machines being what they were back in the day it was probably far better to rely on diplomacy and discourse then it was to bury your populous under the crushing and maiming of axes, swords and spears. Not to say it's gotten any easier today. But as I sit here typing this we seem to be teetering closer and closer to the brink of war in Persia once again. With Chemical weapons being used on innocent civilians and the Russians involved, the brutal regimes propped up by foreign governments and rebels fighting for their lives. Makes one wonder if they really did take down Babylon some 2,500 years ago without a single arrow or spear thrust through flesh and bone.

Peter Tosh might have said it best sometime in the 1970's before he was gunned down violently :

Would you kindly reduce the temperature on this earth, it's too hot down here
Fire fire, fire fire, fire fire, they have no waterBabylon burning, babylon burning, babylon burning, they have no waterFire fire, fire fire, fire fire, they have no waterBabylon burning, babylon burning, babylon burning, they have no water

The weather report is not looking good for mid April, of course the showers are hear, but the cool temps and the blustery weather I could do without. 



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