The Pacific Bulb Society

What a weekend for a plant person it was. Jane McGary hosted a get together of the PBS to hear Kit Strange from Kew Gardens talk about her work with the bulb collection.

Janes bulb house was a great place to hear some very knowledgeable plant folks conversing. Kit has a special interest in Juno iris and has a hybrid out recently she named for her sister. I was able to get some tips on fertilization for improved seed set.

Kits talk was a tour of the Kew gardens alpine house followed by pictures and discussion of the propagation areas, national collections, and what was so impressive was all the different houses that store the collections not on display that have little microclimate setups to cater to ever plants possible need. Jospeh Banks would be proud.

Janes Garden was exploding with bulbs, including this Trillium that I would love to get the name of.

On the way up Joleen Schilling showed me the Chemeketa (alma mater) greenhouse availability for some up coming landscape jobs.

The chemeketa students and staff look to be doing an excellent job with the houses stuffed full of choice color spots and bedding plants.

Back home the incessant rain showers continued with not a glimpse of sun in sight for most of the weekend. I'm really ready for some warm weather and some drying so I can do a little work in the veg garden.




The Weekends flowers


Fritillaria persica