I spent one of the last days of winter visiting the garden of Kevin Vaughn, a local Narcissus, Sempervivum, Iris, Pulmonaria and Epimediium breeder. It was a beautiful day right before the vernal equinox. Kevin has some wonderful hybrids going. I was blown away by the diversity in his collection.
Kevin Vaughn and his breeding lines of Narcissus |
Some wonderful pastels and bicolors in the program. |
The diversity in Sempervivums Kevin is working with was outstanding. |
I loved the stacked concrete block raised beds, I'm needing to rebuild my rotting woodedn raised beds this summer and I think this is the way i'm going to go. |
A fun day of looking at flowers. |
Kevin starts all his seed in pots and I was amazed to see him doing his work with out the utility of a greenhouse. His plants looked very healthy and well adapted.
The weather has been beautiful this week, highs in the 60's and the garden's all around town springing to life. The ornamental cherries around town are all in full bloom, some of the crabapples are starting in. In my own garden the Nectarine is starting into bloom and I have a hive of honey bees that made it through the winter. The cherry orchard is about ready to bloom as well.
This week brought the vernal equinox and the start of spring!
Stay healthy!