Whats Blooming March 14th 2020

"man starts in as a child and lives on diseases to the end as a regular diet."
                                                                             Mark Twain

The first decent snow of the season fell today as the world enters a quarantine for the corona virus. Seemed kind of fitting to get snowed in after a day spent waiting in lines for toilet paper and groceries. What a crazy world we are living in. 

Regardless, I took a snowy walk around the garden this morning. 

Fritillaria reuteri

Fritillaria ionica

Fritillaria pudica

Fritillaria latakiensis

Erythronium grandiflorum

Fritillaria raddeana

Iris graberiana 'White Falls'

 The weather has actually been pretty mild, and after a snowy morning, it's already 43 degrees, supposed to be a cold night down into the 20's and then next week is supposed to be in the 60's.

It looks like we are in a pandemic and the only way out is washing your hands and hoarding toilet paper. 

Good luck, 



We made it to spring!


March 5th, 2020