Happy Solstice and Great Conjunction!

 "Saturn doesn't ask us to give up our dreams, only to make them real" Steven Forest

I didn't get to see the great conjunction on the night of the solstice and that was kind of a bummer, but I looked into the low western sky on a clear night last week and I got to see the two planets pretty close to each other. I'm hoping it cleans up later this week so I can see that. My love of the oceans great wilderness and mystery has evolved into a love of the stars as I'm steadily learning to orient myself using the constellations. 

The usual suspects are blooming on this the longest night. The first hoop petticoat of the year and one of my favorites for the Christmas season the Amaryllis. 

N. cantabricus blooming on the solstice

Hippeastrum adding it's Christmas cheer to the house

Well, here we go, another winter is underway! This is the time I get to go ski through the silent wilderness. For me it's a time of replenish before another busy season of plants and pruning, weeding and shoveling and the general garden busy that comes with spring. 

Enjoy the longest, darkest night. From her on out the spring is closer and another turn of the calendar offers a new year of hope and promise. 

Happy Solstice, go look at the stars and figure out where you are in this universe, 



Happy New Year!

