Happy New Year!

“What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t even happened yet.” —Anne Frank

It's another year, this is one of the ones that will be cemented in the history books for all time. It seems like it was several lifetimes ago, but a year ago today I was looking at Rhodophiala's in the Andes above a little dirt road hot springs village in the Chilean outback. That was the start of something great, my traveling days and botanical adventures were being reborn. And as quickly as it started it was gone. 

 I'm not going to go deep into reflecting on all the shit that last year was, because I really want to get moving on to a better future. I definitely learned a lot about people this year. What kindness means, what the true meaning of family is, what human nature really seems to be all about a lot of that was revealed this year. Lessons were learned, some goodbyes were said to some old friends as life showed me that to get moving on sometimes you have to let go. I had to call some people out on the pure bullshit I saw, I had to eat some crow and I had to disregard some stuff I wish I didn't have to. 

Looking ahead, I decided I wasn't going to do some big list of resolutions this year. But I'm going to work on being a better example myself. I'm going to keep moving ahead and keep learning and keep trying to make this a better place, however insignificant the actions may seem. 

Eucharis amazonica

The amazon lily blooming in the living room reminds me that spring is around the corner, and a new year always brings the chance to start over again. 

 I sure hope Anne was right with her quote above, I want so badly to think the best is still ahead, but after what I saw this year, I definitely think it's going to be a long road ahead to get to those times. I'm going to work on the positive, maybe be a little less political on here and hopefully have more time to focus on the flowers. 

Goodbye to one of the worst years in my 44 planet on this planet. Hello to something better. 

Buckets of rain in the forecast, temps in the 50's to start 2021. 


Iris in January


Happy Solstice and Great Conjunction!