Iris in January

 "The offspring of riches: Pride, Vanity, Ostentation, Arrogance, Tyranny" 

                                                        Mark Twain

Who does that sound like it's describing? To be perfectly clear on the subject, I wanted him hung for trying to destroy the postal service, I think he should have faced a firing squad for separating families at the border, I would have been perfectly ok if they gave him the gas chamber for playing god with all of our lives and denying climate change, or putting Scott Pruitt in charge of the EPA. I think we would have been wholly justified in giving him the louisette for his treason against this country with regards to Russia and the way he bent over for Putin anytime he was asked. I think the we could all have enjoyed seeing him drawn and quartered in the streets for the over 3,000 conflicts of interest he used to profit himself and his family, personally destroying the integrity of his post and flagrantly stealing from what is ours as Americans. 

But now, in reality he did himself far worse then those things. Any of those options for death would be an easy way out for number 45. The day a confederate flag was hoisted inside the capital by a murderous mob of white supremicists was the day that his legacy was forever written as it should be told, a vain, rasisct, full of arrogance and wanting to impost tyranny on a land where that will not be tolerated. It speaks a warning of what does lie buried in the soul of this country. Hidden behind it's false evangelical puritanism, the veins of hatred run deep. He will end his days in a federal prison, or even more justice would be dealt if they turn him loose without the secret service protection, his empire crumbling, the vast hotels he built, converted to low income housing, or as a starter housing to the American dream for the immigrants seeking the beacon light of the world. His Golf courses turned into free tent camping for the millions of homeless that his incompetence created.  I hope he lives long enough to see that his empire gets not reduced to ashes but used to build prosperity and a future for all the people that he tried so hard to destroy.  

I look forward to once again not having to think constantly about what peril we will be put in because of tyrannical and fascist leadership. I look forward to once again being able to focus on flowers and the beauty in this world instead of having to look everyday at the pure ugliness and hatred that has been pretending to lead these last four years. 

Happy to see the flowers of winter starting in

Iris hyrcana 'Talish'

I really am looking forward to getting back to the flowers, the heaviness of the past four years have occupied too much of my heart and the tyrant and buffoon stole too much of my energy and time. The flowers are starting and a new spring is coming. A new spring that promises growth and rebuilding, I know we have a long ways to go to get back to being the beacon of hope in the world but we will achieve it and we will smother out every last bit of that hatred that has been breeding these past four years. 

It's rained something close to 6" since this month started. It has been a while since I've seen that much water in a relatively short time. The poor old farmhouse at illahe that has been sinking into the soft, fertile jory soil for 100 years now has a lake underneath it and I had to open the crawl space vents to let the deluge out. The high water table seems to have pushed  the voles out of the tunnels and I've been dealing with some serious critter issues in the bulb house as the crocus have been mowed down to soil level. 

I have some big plans and ambitions for this year, I hope to get that other greenhouse I've been talking about for so long built. I'm working on a project to capture the flower collection via UV flourescence photography. I've got some raised beds to rebuild and renovations to do on the nursery. I'm looking forward to a return to positive, happy times where growth can occur. Stay tuned for a blog that once again is full of bright flowers and hope. 



A New Hope


Happy New Year!