March is here
“March is a tomboy with tousled hair, a mischievous smile, mud on her shoes, and a laugh in her voice.”
Hal Borland
Fritillaria crassifolia-a Jim and Jenny Archibald collection from the far off mountains of Iran, blooming in a little greenhouse in Salem, Oregon.
Just sitting here listening to Red and Black from Les Miserables on repeat, thinking about that refrain ‘our little lives don’t count at all’ and at the moment thinking about how some groundhog that lives in a borough in Pennsylvania is rarely right about the weather, but for some reason I trust him more than I trust our current administration. Oh wait, that talk is for later in the blog, the people want an update on the flowers.
I have so much to do, but I am working towards getting that spring list out, and it will be worth the wait. I’m hoping to publish that in a couple of weeks and start the shipping season in earnest. If you are chomping at the bit, I will be at the Plant Nerd Night with some cool plants for sale, link to info on that here. Lot’s of good stuff coming into growth now, of course we are a little colder here in the South Salem hills and there is a ways to go before I would trust anyone to say that spring is truly here. I’ve said it before, Beware the ides of March for the misfortune of breaking ground too early can be just as dangerous as waiting too long. Gardening just hasn’t been happening, but I need to get on it soon. I did get the leaves cut back on the Pulsatilla’s as those hairy mop tops have started to emerge in the rock garden now. Check out a few of the flowers and the fair caution of false spring.
Fair warning-This picture was taken on March 26th, 2012
This is an oldy but a goody, Anya is graduating from University this year and Keta our old black lab who loved a romp in the snow has long since crossed the rainbow bridge. This was one of the biggest late season snows we ever had at illahe and it stands as a warning about the rush into spring, winter can often come back without warning.
Upcoming Events:
Spring alpine and rock garden list is coming! Hopefully out in a couple of weeks with the shipping season staring when the updates are done with the website.
Plant Nerd Night-March 16th-Lake Oswego High School-see link above.
Siskiyou Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society-Giving a talk on the Geothermal Greenhouse Project-March 23rd.
Another Fair Warning:
Ok, So here we go, tune out now if you want, the last time I wrote my political opinion, on my nursery blog I got called a “Whining, closet communist”. Which if you know anything about my history at all is as ironic as it gets. I was simply pointing out that having a Billionaire running amok in the federal government, gutting the social services, national parks, social security, killing humans through cuts in humanitarian aid around the world, ending federal funding to science and cancer research, destroying peaceful world alliances, ending the careers of dedicated scientists and biologists and generally robbing the country and its hard working citizens was maybe bad? Gee whiz what a terrible thing to want better for everyone in the world. Of course since that time, things have gotten so much darker, not just for us but the entire world. I do have a lot more to say on this and I’m going to let it out, oh am I going to let it out, but right now isn’t the time. I’ll have plenty to say in the future about queen Shitler the russian agent and his king Musk, but for now I’m sharpening the bayonet and I’m finding myself stuck between the love and empathy I have for all the humans on this planet, and sheer overwhelming hatred that is growing in me toward the pure evil that is in place in this country now. And I will leave with this, the conflict between Love and Revolution: