Upcoming Events

For the plant folks who are just itching for spring, I have a calendar of some cool events happening this weekend, including a plant sale complete with some super cool treasures from illahe! So if you are here in the currently soggy Pacific Northwest and need something to do, check this out:

Saturday March 15th-Women in Horticulture-Chemeketa Community College

Make it stand out

This one has a special place in my heart because I started my college education at Chemeketa Community College and it was a Botany class series that truly gave me a love of learning the science behind plants and pushed me to consider a career in horticulture. I also teach part time here and and the horticulture program is really top notch, with the faculty dedication and devotion to the students bar none.

This is a great conference

Featuring some topnotch growers, who all got there start at community college! If you haven’t seen the Chemeketa Horticultural facilities you really should go, they have some great greenhouses, and the xeric garden has a ton of cool illahe rare plant treasures. The students are even currently building a rock garden! Passing the torch to keep the legacy alive!


Plant Nerd Night-Sale and Talk-Sunday March 16th, Lake Oswego High School

The first plant sale of the season for us is this Sunday, I’ll be giving a short talk, amongst some of my amazingly talented peers from fantastic nurseries, this is a day where you can learn about amazing plants and do some shopping to kick off your gardening season! Click here for details:

Best of the early season stuff will be available.

In addition to our tough and hardy perennials we will have a fantastic selection of dwarf and compact species for Rock Gardens, crevice gardens, troughs and patio pots.

Lots of good stuff at this sale

4 or more selections of Phlox you won’t find anywhere else, as well as 4 species of Arenaria, Fritillaria and other bulbs for the discerning collector. Many one off plants you won’t see the rest of the season. Make your garden stand out this year!


Sunday March 23rd. Building a Geothermal Greenhouse
Siskiyou Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society meetings are located in Lidgate Hall, Medford Congregational, United Church of Christ, 1801 E. Jackson. Program Starts at 2:00, I’ll have some plants available for sale!

I’m excited to be presenting the design and construction and performance data from the newest Climate Battery Greenhouse at illahe

The talk will cover the new geothermal (climate battery) greenhouse that is perfect for growing alpine plants and how illahe has expanded from a rare flower bulb focused nursery into alpine and rock garden plants and a few of the projects to make illahe as sustainable and low impact as possible! Come and learn about this great way to build greener greenhouse!

Plant Catalog for shipping is coming! I will start shipping after the Hortlandia sale, April 4th and 5th. If you are local you will want to be at that sale for sure as it will be the biggest selection of the year.

Rainy, and dreary out now, so it’s too cold to plant, you might as well come and do some shopping and visiting at these cool horticutural events and you can build that planting library up for when the sunshine comes out.

See you soon,



Building a Geothermal Greenhouse


March is here