An illahe introduction from 3,500’ up in the foothills of the Wallowa mountains, aka the Oregon Alps, where it grows in seasonally wet meadows drying out in summer. This is a dynamite landscape specimen, I’ve grown it in everything from wine barrels with late tulips in dark shades where it makes a fantastic show, to a dry edge of the rock garden. This is the best of the best when it comes to the Genus Cammasia in my opinion. Was a food staple for the Nez Perce tribes and very important in Northwest culture. Nice large bulbs.
An illahe introduction from 3,500’ up in the foothills of the Wallowa mountains, aka the Oregon Alps, where it grows in seasonally wet meadows drying out in summer. This is a dynamite landscape specimen, I’ve grown it in everything from wine barrels with late tulips in dark shades where it makes a fantastic show, to a dry edge of the rock garden. This is the best of the best when it comes to the Genus Cammasia in my opinion. Was a food staple for the Nez Perce tribes and very important in Northwest culture. Nice large bulbs.