Crocus thomasii
A fantastic fall blooming sativus type, strong saffron fragrance and a great increaser.
This is one of my favorites for it’s ease of culture in any well drained soil. It has an almost honey like fragrance that you can smell from a mile away on a warm sunny fall afternoon.
Adriatic coastal species.
We have to variants this year, our original source material and an open pollinated seed grown strain that shows a bit of variation, so if you like diversity get both and enjoy! This is one of the best of the saffron group in my opinion.
Crocus thomasii
A fantastic fall blooming sativus type, strong saffron fragrance and a great increaser.
This is one of my favorites for it’s ease of culture in any well drained soil. It has an almost honey like fragrance that you can smell from a mile away on a warm sunny fall afternoon.
Adriatic coastal species.
We have to variants this year, our original source material and an open pollinated seed grown strain that shows a bit of variation, so if you like diversity get both and enjoy! This is one of the best of the saffron group in my opinion.