Known as the drooping star of bethlehem or silver bells, this species is a rambunctious naturalizer. One should do dilligence to make sure it’s not invasive in your particular area, its one that will spread. While it does have an aggressive nature, the flowers are showy, and the foliage quickly melts away after flowing so that its a nice plant for the right space. I grow it with Biarums and Colchicums at the entrance to the driveway, it gets no water and is growing in a 130 year old road base of compacted gravel where it blooms but doesn’t spread.
Known as the drooping star of bethlehem or silver bells, this species is a rambunctious naturalizer. One should do dilligence to make sure it’s not invasive in your particular area, its one that will spread. While it does have an aggressive nature, the flowers are showy, and the foliage quickly melts away after flowing so that its a nice plant for the right space. I grow it with Biarums and Colchicums at the entrance to the driveway, it gets no water and is growing in a 130 year old road base of compacted gravel where it blooms but doesn’t spread.