Welcome to Fall Bulb Sale On Now
The orange glow of pumpkins at the end of the cutting garden are telling me the calendar and the weathermen aren’t lying. Fall is here now and so it’s time to get ready for winter. The remaining inventory of bulbs are on sale, enter the discount code: BULBS15 at checkout to receive 15% off!
Fall Bulb Sale:
Enter discount code: BULBS15 at checkout for 15% off bulb orders. We will be shipping bulbs for 2 more weeks and plants as long as the weather allows.
This has been a busy fall, with some great sales at Sebright Gardens and up north at the UBC Treasured bulbs and Alpine Garden Club of BC sale. With the coming of the fall weather we have a lot of projects going on around the nursery, Getting the alpine frames covered for winter, fall propagation, buttoning up the greenhouses, and the big project of putting new floor covering down in the bulb house. On top of that with the start of school, I’m back to teaching in the horticulture program at the Community College, so the work never ends! Hopefully I can find some time to post up some of the cool fall bloomers as they come into bloom, it’s almost time for the autumn crocus to kick in. I’ll also be adding more plants to the website as time allows. If you are in the Willamette Valley or near the Oregon Coast check out a few of these presentations we will be giving this month at local plant clubs:
Thursday October 5th 7pm-'Alpines and Gardens of New Zealand’ by Mark Akimoff-Columbia-Willamette Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society at the Smile Station, Sellwood.
Wednesday October 11th 7pm-’Wildflower Adventures around Oregon and NW Washington’ by Mark Akimoff-Willamette Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society at the Ram Public House, Salem.
October 19th-21st-The Fall Western Regional Conference of the ARS, check out all the great speakers, sale and events here: Siuslaw Chapter ARS Regional Conference
Cheers to a productive and enjoyable Autumn,