“I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself then to be crowded on a velvet cushion” Henry David Thoreau
The great pumpkin carve off at illahe is always a fun way to close out the busy fall sales season! When the pumpkins are glowing it means its time to get the greenhouses tucked away for the winter.
It’s not quite frost on the pumpkin time yet, in fact the temperatures are supposed to hit 85 later this week! But the bulb season is winding down and the remainder need to get planted out. To that end shipping of bulbs will end for the season and we will not longer be taking orders past October 9th. I marked down the Biarums so combined with the discount code there are still some great deals to be had! Check out some of our fall bloomers and fun by clicking on the gallery.
If you are in the Portland area this Thursday, I’m giving a talk at the Columbia-Willamette Chapter meeting of the North American Rock Garden Society on last winters botanical adventures in New Zealand! I’ll be bringing a few plants for sale from that expedition and if you are not a member, it’s a great place to meet rock gardeners, share knowledge and learn about cool plants! Thursday October 5th, 7:00pm at the Smile Station in Sellwood. Hope to see you there!
Last day we will accept orders for bulbs is Monday October 9th! Then you will have to wait until next year for the best botanical treasures around!
Old Henry knew what was up, the best seat in the house isn’t always the gilded one. Here is my solidarity statement with the workers who have struggled to make ends meet in this ever class dividing society of late stage capitalism. I stand with the workers who are striking for better wages, its time the people at the bottom who struggle paycheck to paycheck get the fair treatment they deserve, if the robber barons at the top got it from pulling the rug out from the people at the bottom then eventually the fragile pyramid they sit atop is going to crumble. A better society is one where everyone has a fair shot at making a living. Not all of us want to sit on the velvet cushion. I just want an American economy where it’s possible to make a living by utilizing my passion and skills to grow plants, unfortunately the system has made it so impossible for small business to succeed, they want everything monopolized into corporate pocket books so that no matter how hard you work you will always be doomed to Sisyphus’ fate. Lets stop feeding into the bullshit that says Capitalism is the best way, there has to be another system in which greed isn’t the only driver for success and the people at the bottom have a chance to succeed and maybe, just maybe thrive.