Phlox grayi
Another introduction from the intrepid seed firm of Alplains this is the catalog description: 32755.13 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 7200ft, 2195m. (= P. longifolia ssp. brevifolia = P. stansburyi v. brevifolia). An outstanding cushion Phlox with wide, stiff leaves and luminous cerise-pink flowers. Seeds germinate readily and I find the plants relatively easy to cultivate. Grows on volcanic loam which dries out in the summer.
Phlox grayi
Another introduction from the intrepid seed firm of Alplains this is the catalog description: 32755.13 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 7200ft, 2195m. (= P. longifolia ssp. brevifolia = P. stansburyi v. brevifolia). An outstanding cushion Phlox with wide, stiff leaves and luminous cerise-pink flowers. Seeds germinate readily and I find the plants relatively easy to cultivate. Grows on volcanic loam which dries out in the summer.