Rock Garden/Alpine Plant collection box

from $140.00

If you are looking to plant a new crevice garden, trough or planter, or fill in some bare spots after a long summer, this collection is a great value. We will ship a mix of species and selections of our choosing that will create the base for a great rock garden planting, mix will contain an occasional double plant to add consistency in the planting design, but if you order multiple boxes we will do our best to ship a mix of plants in both boxes. During the spring and fall lulls in inventory this offers a fantastic way to get a great selection of plants for your garden. Order soon because the weather may stop us from shipping before too long.

Medium box will plant a large trough, planter or small crevice/rock garden-$140 includes free priority shipping

Large box will cover more ground and offer more selections of plants.-$210 Includes free priority shipping!

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Price includes shipping

note we will ship year around, but if you prefer a specific shipping time or date please feel free to let us know via email.

Frankenia thymifolia
sold out
Hebe buchanani var. minor
sold out
Dracocephalum heterophyllum
sold out
Asperula gussonii
sold out
Saponaria ocymoides 'snow tips'
sold out